I’ve been carving all my life - - everything from alabaster to teak to jade, rhodonite, and granite, and in size from jewellery to public installations weighing more than a ton. Several of my stone sculptures are cast in bronze, both smaller and larger than the originals. My current project is a monumental piece combining western red cedar, white marble, and patinated bronze.
My sculptures grace homes, offices, and landscapes in North and Central America, Europe, and Asia. I hope you enjoy my sculptures as much as I enjoyed carving and photographing them. I am available for commissions and special projects.
Before retiring in 2004, I studied hummingbird ecology, behaviour, and intelligence at the University of British Columbia. I was recognized internationally for excellence in teaching, for developing interdisciplinary science education programs, and for writing about how animals and people learn. I won two national awards for my work in education, including Canadian University Professor of the Year.