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posted on October 27, 2016 | Teaching and Learning, Podcasts & Videos
A decade of innovation in science education

 Lee Gass
Photo by
Lucretia Schanfarber


At the Vancouver
Institute at UBC in spring
2003 I spoke about interdiscip-
linary undergraduate programs
were developing in the Faculty of
Here is the blurb
distributed before
my talk.

Professor Gass
helped change how thousands
of students learn. A 3M National
Teaching Fellow, he was instrumental in
creating three integrated, interactive UBC
Science One and the Coordinated
Integrated Sciences Programs. They
all bring disciplines together, enabling
a broader, deeper grasp
of science.

For example,
“with assistance from
a physicist, mathematician,
and chemist, a biologist can teach
photosynthesis at a much deeper level,”
explains Gass.
“When students and fac-
ulty embrace this
kind of learning,
it can be life changing for
both of them.”

A Decade of Innovation in Science Education


Edited June 2022

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