Listening to the Wind

Listening to the Wind

Listening to the Wind

Mudstone. 2005. 45” high.
Bronze. 2008. 32″ high with base.


The original stone version of Listening to the Wind is a portrait of my beautiful wife Lucretia and was my wedding gift to her.  It commemorates a high time high in the Shulaps Range, back among the peaks and far from the road, when we listened for hours to the wind and gloried in the many faces of nature.  Listening to the Wind is available in bronze at any scale, in indoor and outdoor patinas.




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Listening to the Wind
Listening to the Wind
Listening to the Wind
Listening to the Wind
Listening to the Wind
Listening to the Wind
Listening to the Wind
Listening to the Wind
Listening to the Wind
Listening to the Wind
Listening to the Wind
Listening to the Wind
Listening to the Wind
Listening to the Wind
Listening to the Wind
Listening to the Wind
Listening to the Wind
Listening to the Wind
Listening to the Wind


The naturally-layered light/dark green mudstone of the original accentuates the form, as would any other laminar medium, and invites it to Pop! vividly into 3D perception.  The bronzes speak equally powerfully of their form.

The stone I used as a pattern for the bronze base of Listening to the Wind, shown in the images, is also the base of my granite sculpture Opening.  The fragment I cut off to flatten the bottom of it is the hull of the sailboat in Sailing on a Silent Sea.