Lee’s Stories

Lee’s Stories

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posted on October 15, 2016 | Teaching and Learning, Science and Nature, Podcasts & Videos
Think & Eat Green

Elena Orrego and Alejandro Rojas.

In summer 2009
my old friend Alejandro Rojas
contacted me about an exciting project.
Based on a decade of work with UBC students
to increase food security in Vancouver, he and his
team got a 5 year, $1 million grant from the
Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

to fund a project they called Think & Eat Green
@ School. 
The basic idea, from Alejandro and his
wife Elena Orrego, was to work with the City
and the  School Board to bring every
child and every family in a city
of 600,000 people to
food literacy. 

What an ambitious objective!
What an enormous undertaking! 

He asked me to
serve on the advisory board, I happily
agreed, and I worked with the
project for the 5-year
life of the grant. 

As the video
makes abundantly clear,
Think & Eat Green @ School was
wildly successful in many ways and I
am proud to have been a part of it.
This video isn’t about or by me,
though I do play a cameo
role for a second or two.

It is about an idea I believe in.

Edited January 2019

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