Lee’s Stories

Lee’s Stories

A Gem of a Contribution

A Gem of a Contribution

A Gem of a Contribution A precious, gem-like event occurred in a workshop Arshad Ahmad and I ran for postsecondary educators on large-group teaching.  Rather than...

Hardy-Weinberg Simulation Model

Hardy-Weinberg Simulation Model

Models represent reality. Models constructed for different purposes represent different aspects of reality but no model represents every aspect. All models simplify ...

A Letter to Martha Piper

A Letter to Martha Piper

  For several years around the turn of the century, atmospheric physicist Douw Steyn and I co-taught a course in UBC’s Integrated Sciences Program called The...

Some Remarks on Documentation

Some Remarks on Documentation

Many students are unprepared to do high quality work when they come to us, and for many reasons. Documenting  sources in their writing is particularly difficult for...

Two Stories about Des Deroche

Two Stories about Des Deroche

Des Deroche at Happy Hour, 2016. Photo by Craig Thom from next door.   Des Deroche and the the Fundamentals of Teaching and Learning I’ve lived across the st...

Frank Spear and the Pea Seeds

Frank Spear and the Pea Seeds

  In late August 1967, I was a brand-new high school biology teacher in the suburbs of San Francisco, east of Berkeley in Concord.  That part of California, an...

Story about Barry Mcbride

Story about Barry Mcbride

As I walked into the Zoology mailroom one day, head secretary Kathy Gorkoff asked me if I'd met the new Dean, who was standing right there.  Barry McBride wasn’t ...

What is there about Risk?

What is there about Risk?

What is there about risk? What is there about risk and uncertainty that fire the sources of creativity and call upon us to perform our best?  There is something ...

Engagement is visceral

Engagement is visceral

The Council of 3M National Teaching Fellows produces a range of materials to help teachers improve their teaching. Among them is a DVD-production project in which 18 ...

Stories about stories

Stories about stories

 Lee Gass doing what he's been doing for about 75 years: telling a story.  Photo by David Shackleton.   STORIES ABOUT STORIES After winning national univer...

The birth of a sculptor

The birth of a sculptor

The image shows Lee Gass at two stages in his sculpting career; when he was learning to carve Ivory soap and sanding Red Recursion. Photos by David Shackleton and an ...

Making Magic Together

Making Magic Together

  In the terrible title of a talk I gave at McMaster University in 2014, I talked about something I thought worth thinking about when anyone thinks about help...

Educating for sustainability

Educating for sustainability

Sometime in the late '90s, after a talk I gave at the University of Florida about experiments we were doing with interdisciplinary undergraduate science programs at ...